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As you may already know, this world is slowly becoming more digital day by day. Hence, digital artist actually has an impressively high career opportunities. An average digital artist also gets a much higher salary when compared to a traditional artist. According to Payscale surverys and salary reports, graphic artists, including 39% with only entry level experience of 1-4 years, is already getting higher average salary than fine artists with 30% of whom has 10-19 years of experience. (Graphic artists has the average salary of $40,783 while fine artists only has the average salary of $27,000.) Digital artists tend to also have much more possible career path compared to traditional artist. Not only do the digital artists know how to draw, they also know how to use technology. And in the digital age, good knowledge of computers and softwares is of highly importance and just what the employers need.


What about self-employed artists? That is a totally different story. How self-employed artists make a living and run their business has changed a lot in the past few years due to the growing amount of people using technology. For example, social media platforms are wonderful places to reach out to people from all over the world and share your creativity. Some artists can even make a living off the internet. However, there is a huge problem that digital artists face frequently—especially social media based artists. That’s right. When you see a picture on the internet, you can just right click download it and it’s saved on your device It’s easily stolen and that alone can cause great distress for the artists. One of the common things popular artists on social media often have to deal with is art thieves reposting their work and claiming it as theirs or even selling prints of their stolen art pieces to get financial gain for themselves. If everyone buys the prints from the imposters and not the real artist, that will lead to their loss of income. Traditional artists also deal with this problem, but unlike digital artists, they have one original art piece that has a much higher value that they can sell to galleries or collectors. Digital art on the other hand, does not have an original that is different from the hundreds of other copies. Because they can be so effortlessly obtained, they are considered less valuable and rarely displayed in art galleries.


Artist: Anna Dittmann


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Artist: Kevin Hong:


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